Developing on Staxmanade

Developer Friendly React Component Errors


One of the biggest pain points I've run into while building an application with Facebook's React is when you goof something up and you get an error in one of the React component lifecycle methods such as render, componentWillMount, componentDidUpdate, etc. The biggest problem is the lack of a feedback loop because React is swallowing exceptions, so you don't see the reported error in your developer console or any global error handlers called. There's even a chance you don't know something is going wrong (yet).

If I google for react try catch the first search result hit landed me on this GitHub issue on error boundaries (status: open as of this writing). There is a pull-request with what looks to be a potential work around, but until this lands and it provides enough of a solution I hope the below can help you.

If you read the comments of this post you'll see this helpful comment where Skiano links to a github repo with a pretty good wrapper that re-writes React components so the lifecycle methods get a useful try/catch and can properly log errors.

I liked the approach provided above but since I'm working on a project that is using BabelJS and ES6/7, I wanted to see if I could try using the new ES7 Decorators which Babel supports to allow tagging certain ES6 React classes with this try/catch wrapper.

Below is what it looks like if you end up using it.

Usage with an es7 @decorator

import React from 'react';
import wrapReactLifecycleMethodsWithTryCatch from 'react-component-errors'

class MyComponent : React.Component {
    throw new Error("Test error");
    return <div>Hello</div>;

But you can also use this without the decorator pattern just by passing the class through the wrapper function.

Usage without a decorator

import wrapReactComponentMethodsWithTryCatch from `react-log-errors.js`

var MyComponent = React.createClass({
  componentDidMount: function () {
      throw new Error("Test error");
  render: function() {
    return <div>Hello</div>;


How to get it?

NOT tested for performance...

FYI: this is primarily built as a development tool and has not been performance tested. While I haven't noticed any performance issues - I wouldn't recommend sending to production as is without a deeper impact analysis.

Happy React Debugging!
